Tag Archives: melbourne

“It changed my life in many ways” – Gonzalo’s Story

“It changed my life in many ways” – Gonzalo’s Story

  The Start of It All It was the beginning of April 2016 in Santiago, Chile when finally, the time had arrived. A radical change in my life was starting in a few days. I quit an excellent job, and I had decided to be far from my family, friends and my comfort zone to

From Melbourne to Sydney: Ado’s Ride for Cancer Research

  Ado, seen here, with his fundraising thermometer at ILSC-Melbourne Adonai Vera, a student from Colombia who is attending ILSC-Melbourne has made it his mission to bike ride from Melbourne all the way to Sydney – a total of 1000km! The trip, organized by Steer North, a health promotion charity, will take 12 days and

Taking a look back: #myILSC 2017 Instagram Contest

  During the course of the four weeks from July 17th to August 11th, ILSC held an amazing Instagram contest. Each week had a different theme represented by the ILSC acronym and students posted photos and videos that related to the theme. The themes were Interests, Location, Studies, and Community. Each week a $100 prepaid


All ELICOS programs are part of the English Language Programs for International Students CRICOS Code: 060152J.
ILSC (Brisbane) PTY LTD is trading as ILSC-Brisbane, ILSC-Sydney, ILSC-Melbourne, ILSC-Adelaide, Greystone College and ILSC Australia RTO Number 31564, CRICOS Code: 02137M.
Greystone College of Business and Technology (Toronto) Inc. (Greystone College (Toronto)), Greystone College of Business and Technology (Greystone College (Vancouver)),
Collège Greystone (Greystone College (Montréal))and ILSC India PVT Ltd (operating as Greystone College (New Delhi)) herein collectively referred to as “Greystone College”.