On September 5th, while celebrating the Teacher Day in India, the staff at ILSC-New Delhi visited a slum along with around 20 students who volunteered their time to teach English/Hindi to children there. There were about 35-40 children living in the area who gathered in a tiny room with dim lights and no fan in the scorching…
Lessons in Fair Trade at ILSC Sydney
In June 2013, the Global Social Issues & Marketing class at ILSC Sydney had the chance to be involved with a fair trade textiles organisation based in New Delhi known as House of Wandering Silk (HoWS). With the kind help of HoWS’ founder, Katherine Neumann, the students spent two weeks exploring the issues faced by…
ILSC-New Delhi greening project
Recently, a dedicated team of students and teachers met on a bright Saturday morning at ILSC-New Delhi’s main campus. Our mission was to pick up the litter between our two campuses (a stretch of around 200 feet on the main road in the Shivalik neighborhood). ILSC students, teachers and staff walk from the main campus…
Share the Warmth project (ILSC Montreal)
Contributed by Sarah Milburn and her English Business Class students at ILSC-Montréal This session I decided to introduce the Business English class at ILSC-Montréal to the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility during their course. As part of the course experience I took them to volunteer at a local food bank., the same one I had…
Corporate Social Responsibility at ILSC
ILSC’s spirit of reaching out into our local and global communities continues to drive a number of great CSR initiatives around our campuses. Our most recent CSR efforts included: Go Hashimoto fundraiser – In October, students and staff at ILSC-Sydney raised money for Japanese international student Go Hashimoto, who slipped off an apartment balcony in…