ILSC’s STM Star Chain School Awards from 2013 and 2014
On August 30, ILSC was very excited to win Study Travel Magazine’s 2014 Star Chain School Award! This was ILSC’s second year in a row winning this fantastic award, and we feel so excited and honoured to receive this recognition again!
Study Travel Magazine (STM for short) is an important industry publication that shares trends and changes in global education. The annual STM Star Awards is decided through a voting system – study abroad agencies from around the world cast their votes for colleges and language schools, and schools vote for agencies.
It’s great to be recognized by our industry peers, but we also wanted to know what our students thought about our win, so we asked some of our alumni students to share their thoughts.
Vanessa Mustaffa from Colombia said “ILSC deserved to win the STM Star Chain School award because it is an excellent Language school that helps you to improve your English skills and grow as a person. After my experience there, I feel more confident using my second language and interacting in the Canadian environment.”
Another alumni, Raffaello Cardinaletti from Italy, said, “when I heard about ILSC winning the STM Star Chain School award for the second consecutive year I wasn’t surprised. I was lucky to study at ILSC. Since my first day, everything was perfect and well organized. I was impressed by the quantity of different subjects that I could study there, not only grammar but also specific courses for business, where I could learn lots of new terms that I use every day in my professional life. The counsellors were really helpful and friendly, always available to help or give suggestions about the courses.
I also had the chance to have an internship at ILSC, for this reason I know the philosophy and the work that is in the “backstage” of the school.
Thanks to ILSC my English today is definitely improved and I was able to find a job in an English speaking country.
I think that ILSC deserved this award again and I hope they can win for many more years!”
For this year’s STM Star Awards, we shared a fun video campaign with our study abroad agency partners showing just how hard we work to make ILSC great: Check it out!
I guess our campaign worked, but more importantly, we had so much fun creating it!
One of the things that really makes ILSC great is that our schools bring together the talents, inspirations and ideas of so many unique people to make amazing learning experiences happen, from students and teachers to staff and business partners. We’re proud of what we do and we hope you love it too, AND that you get to have a great experience at ILSC for yourself!

ILSC Marketing Staff Celebrate the Star Chain School Award Win